Straight from Slovenia - ARC 24 Ltd. at the SAWO Trade Fair in Poznań
ARC 24 d.o.o. invites you to the Occupational Safety, Fire Protection, and Rescue Trade Fair – where as a leading distributor from Southeast Europe, it presents some of the best brands in safety and protection area. Let's meet at SAWO in Poznań!

Distributor from Slovenia
ARC 24 d.o.o. - one of the most intriguing distributors in Southeast Europe, gathers the finest brands. Ranging from corporate clothing to specialized fall protection products, head protection, safety and recreational footwear, workwear, and forestry equipment.

In recent years, ARC 24 d.o.o. has acquired many new brands, expanded its range and created B2B platform, making it easier to find the right products. At the SAWO trade fair, ARC 24 Ltd. will also present brands like: Macseis Worksportswear, Sip Protection, Bo Safety, Zamberlan, Zero Height Safety, and many more.
See you at SAWO! April 23-25, 2024 in Poznań!